Funny Relatable Texts From the Messy World of Parenting

Parenting is a lot of things, but it isn’t glamorous. One minute you’re a freedom-enjoying adult, the next you’ve popped out some kind of hellion and your life has changed forever. While some of those changes are good, there are others that are a bit of a bummer in retrospect. Being able to use the bathroom alone becomes a rare and relished occurrence. Frequent diaper changing makes existence more poopy than you could ever imagine, and somehow it feels like you’re constantly cleaning up messes. When you wipe one down, another appears in its place, stronger – and often stickier – than the ones before. Fortunately, no parent is alone in these struggles. And these funny and painfully relatable texts manage to capture the laughs, the exhaustion, and the poopy truths of raising children. We just hope they don’t trigger you too much.

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