Gamer Couple Breaks Up Over Dramatic Session of ‘Among Us’

One of the defining characteristics of the popular game Among Us is that it encourages players to lie to each other to ensure their own survival. It’s fun to deceive your friends in the context of a silly game, but it turns out Among Us probably isn’t the best game to play with a significant other if there are underlying trust issues in the relationship. 

Redditor u/howtuffareyou turned to r/tifu after getting dumped by his girlfriend via Discord. In the post, he explains that he killed her in the game after promising that he wouldn’t if he got the ‘imposter’ role, which infuriated his girlfriend. When he laughed about it, she just got even angrier and broke up with him right then and there. You could say that he was ejected from the relationship. Keep scrolling for the whole story.


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