Happy Wacky Capy Paddy: 18 Capytastic Pics And Memes Of Everyone’s Favorite Coconut Doggos

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Capybara Paddock, one of the world’s first wildlife sanctuaries for capybaras! Our story began when a forest rave accidentally left one of their giant ice tubs for beverages in the forest clearing, and later a friendly and affectionate family of capys decided to use it to have themselves a pawdorable time, splishing and splashing about in delight.

At the time of the splish-splashing, our founder, Bartibus Pompleton was out in the forest doing his weekly Sunday Funday Cleanup, where he would pick up any refuse left by partygoers and recycle it. Hearing the capys sounds of joy, he approached them and was amazed by the delightful scene. On that day, he vowed to create a better world for these capys, who had decided to make this clearing their home, and so this sanctuary was born! Later it became not only a place for humans to interact with the capybara family but also for other animal friends to meet them.

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