Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Thriving During ‘Me Time’ (August 4, 2023)

For some people, the way they recover from a long week of work is by hitting up a happy hour with their coworkers, buying concert tickets, and spending a long late evening out on the town with their buds. However, if you’re anything like me, a grateful loner type, just the thought of going out is a little bit daunting. I prefer to spend my recovery weekends in the comfort of my own home, my own pajamas, and doing my at-home spa routine. Face masks aside, a little R&R never hurt anybody, introverted or otherwise. But introverts always get a bad rap for enjoying their time to themselves. Just because we’re quiet and enjoy comforts doesn’t mean we’re completely antisocial, it just means we’re selectively social. So if you’re looking forward to being a grateful loner this weekend, getting your rest and recovery in your solo hours, keep on scrolling for a batch of memes that’ll speak directly to your soul.

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