Man Baffles The Internet By Proposing To Girlfriend Using An NFT

For the hopeless romantics among us, there are few more nerve-wracking in a relationship than perfecting the proposal you’re going to make to The One. Whether it’s a meticulously planned date or an off the cuff decision, you want the moment to be a special one that you can fondly look back on. Center stage to all of this is usually the ring. You’ve got to have something to lead off the Insta announcement, after all. While this might not be the most important part of the package, it’s unorthodox to get rid of it altogether. 

Nonetheless, one intrepid Redditor did exactly that in a proposal with his girlfriend. He replaced it with something he considered infinitely more valuable: an Non-fungible token. Using much of his life savings to purchase it, u/HandHoldingClub considered the token to be significant to their shared life together. However, the proposal itself left his girlfriend horrified at the gesture —  not least because he had previously lost a lot of their joint money investing in cryptocurrency. Not surprisingly, he gained little sympathy on social media, with almost everyone questioning his dubious reasoning about the NFT being a sound investment. Sometimes, it really is just best to stick to tradition.


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