Mansplaining Golfer doesn’t realize he’s talking to a PGA professional, cringe ensues: ‘This is actually mental’

Chances are, if you’re a woman, you’ve been on the receiving end of a mansplaining. It’s a new-ish term for a phenomenon as old as time. A woman is minding her own business, doing something she knows how to do, or talking about something she’s educated on, and a man swoops in to «well, actually» all the fun out of everything. It’s frustrating as heck, especially when you know what you’re talking about. It feels like everyone assumes you’re lesser, inexperienced, or in need of saving. Hey, even if I am wrong, mansplaining ain’t the way to set me straight. You have to treat people as equals. It’s not rocket science. 

This recent video was the perfect example of mansplaining in action, with a beautiful ironic twist befitting of Shakespeare. Be warned that it might set off your cringe alarms, but rest with the sweet knowledge that what goes around comes around. 

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