Maverick Redditors Share All the Popular Things They Refuse to Get Into

All my life, I’ve been pretty indifferent to mainstream trends. I’m aware this doesn’t make me more special or interesting, nor am I deserving of any awards for being a perfect little nonconformist. At best, being like this isolates you from bonding experiences with others, and at worst, you become an insufferable bore whose haterism is their main personality trait (guilty as charged). 

Still, there are plenty of things that are hugely popular when they don’t deserve to be. I mean, things like smoking indoors and minstrel shows used to be not only accepted, but seen as the height of a good time. Sometimes people have great reasons for staying out of what’s in fashion, as has been proved in a recent AskReddit thread. Querying the popular things that Redditors refuse to partake in, the answers ranged across a number of areas. Following the crowd isn’t always a terrible idea, but sometimes it’s good to be different. 

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