Memes and Tweets as Warm as Summer to Inspire You to Take a Break From the Snow

My window is as foggy as it gets, the sky outside is several shades of grey, and the ground is completely covered by a blanket of pure, white snow muddled with some dirt here and there. It makes me want to call in sick, until it goes away. I don’t feel like doing the hour-long commute ever, but now I hate it even more. Driving is not my cup of tea, but I don’t have a choice, considering I live really far away from the office, and the public transportation here is meh.

What better way to cheer myself up than to look up wholesome memes and tweets, and then plan a vacation? That is what I have busied myself today with. Scroll down for the funniest memes, and then check out this illustration of classical art memes for some extra serotonin. I’m going back to bed now, and looking up pretty pictures of Greece. I gotta use some of that PTO before I quit, don’t I?

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