Memes for People Whose Brain is Food for Worms

There are two main ways to achieve true happiness. One of these involves working on yourself, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and spending plenty of quality time with loved ones. The other is relaxing into the chaotic cesspit that is being alive in the internet age and letting the brain worms eat you. Just like pouring river water in your socks, it’s quick, it’s easy and it’s free, unlike dumb things such as therapy. The worms are never going to pull you up on any of your bad behavior, or make you do any of that growing as a person garbage. All they want is to feast on that delectable gray matter until all that’s left is a wretched stump with just enough processing power to absorb the ridiculous entertainment that we get from memes. So go ahead, and let them start munching. We all know that the process is already underway. 

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