Memes That Educate And Entertain

The 1990s was the golden age of edutainment. I might be a little biased, but I wholeheartedly believe that The Magic School Bus and Bill Nye The Science Guy are the only reasons that there are any Millennial and Generation Z scientists. If your 5th-grade science teacher rolled out a big fat TV on a questionably secure cart, you knew you would have a fantastic day of learning (and not being able to get the Bill Nye theme song out of your head). Although the 90s produced some of the best edutainment, the older generation’s content wasn’t lacking. Our parent’s generation had the cultural monoliths of Schoolhouse Rock and the OG Sesame Street. I can only pray that whatever educational programming kids are getting today is half as good as what we got.

Who says that learning while having fun had to end when you graduated from schooling and entered «the real world?» There are plenty of places to test your knowledge of science and history and even learn something new without cracking open a book. The following memes could very well fall into that category. 

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