Men Advise On All the Most Fun Things Women Could Do If They Were the Opposite Gender for One Day

It’s a tale as old as time that both men and women like to act like the other gender is a complete mystery. In some ways, we are probably more similar than we think, but there are also certain attributes that we could only be aware of if we were to go through the experience of being another sex. For those who have never experienced manhood, there is a particular curiosity surrounding what it feels like to be the more privileged gender. 

According to the people that belong to it, there are some not so obvious things that people should theoretically take the chance to enjoy. When a thread started on r/AskMen inquired about this, there were a range of answers about what would be the best options. Not all of them were dirty ones, either. While not everybody is going to get the chance to do these things, it’s nice to dream.

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