Men Share the Amusing and Serious Downsides of Not Having Kids

If you live in the US, you’re a part of a country with a birth rate that’s about as low as it’s ever been. The same goes for quite a few other countries in the world as well. These days, more and more adults are reaping the benefits of choosing to not have kids.

However, it ain’t all sunshine, rainbows, and no dirty diapers. Children are definitely one of those major life decisions that it’s better to regret not doing, but they do come with some benefits. 

This was the topic of a recent r/AskMen thread, in which dudes were asked to list some of the cons of not having kids. Both dads and childfree individuals were more than happy to give answers that ranged from serious to silly. While there’s no denying that parenthood is a difficult journey, it’s not always doom and gloom. Societal expectations play a role, too. 

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