People Share the Movies Whose Plot Twists Astounded Them

Art is far and away one of the coolest things we do. It can make us feel all kinds of things, and there are so many different ways to master it. Movies are the perfect example of this, and are perhaps one of the most accessible ways to get into cultural things  (if you condense them down into multiple part TikToks, that is).

It goes without saying that some films are going to make more of an impact on us than others, and the way this happens is almost always down to a plot twist. When things look like they’re going one way but turn out another? Genius! A recent Twitter thread asked people about the plot twists that had stuck with them the most, and everyone was more than happy to oblige. That shock moment takes a certain amount of skill to do well, and it’s safe to say that most of these examples pulled it off. 

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