Rare Insults & Clever Comebacks That Deserve Recognition

The internet isn’t exactly what it used to be. Back in the day, you could post the dumbest things imaginable behind the safety of anonymity without giving it a second thought. These days, shitposting and the art of the roast are never allowed to reach their full potential due to the fear of getting banned hanging over every poster’s head. Now you can’t even say «fart» without getting flagged. Think I’m exaggerating? The content management system I’m currently typing this on literally just labeled the word «fart» as profanity. That said, there are still mad lads out there who aren’t afraid to drop a brutal burn in the comment section so that the rest of us can have a laugh. Not all heroes wear capes, and these clever insult laureates deserve a bit of recognition. We’ve collected some of our favorite comebacks and insults from the unsung wordsmiths of the internet. 

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