Superstitious People Share Their Most ‘Woo Woo’ Beliefs

Human beings have believed some truly wacky things over the course of history, like the divine right of kings and the oracles of Greece. No matter how much we want to think of ourselves as rational, left-brained Sheldon Cooper types, few are immune from both the wrongheaded ideas of our time, and the likes of intuition and gut instinct.

Personally, I’m all for indulging in the idea of a little magic — so long as it isn’t harming anybody else. Having conviction in things that annoying people would dismiss as BS adds a welcome dash of novelty into our lives. It can even be quite comforting. Certain beliefs are more widespread than we might expect, as a recent Twitter thread has underlined. Asking users what their ‘most woo woo belief’ was, there were a fascinating range of answers on the topic. If you’re the kind of individual who explodes at the merest mention of something like astrology, maybe you should sit this one out. 

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