Teacher Who Loses Her Cool In Front of Bullying Students Gets Support By Educators and the Former-Bullied

When you’re young and in school you think your teachers are the end all be all authority of your day. The come in second to your parents/ legal guardians, but they are the masters of your society. So when you see one losing their cool, it is pretty jarring. As a kid, you don’t understand that teachers are just humans. They too are just trying to make it through this crazy thing we call life and it ain’t easy. 

One teacher took to Reddit after accidentally losing her cool ever so slightly for a second. She had come into her class, the last period of the day, and found out that one of her students was being terribly bullied. Like, not just your basic name calling, like your Hollywood style bullied into tears kind of bully. It’s heartbreaking watching this go down in a situation, but especially amongst impressionable teens and preteens who, no matter what they might think, are still very naive and innocent. The teacher was so upset she let the f bomb slip. She regretted it immediately, but also she was so upset by the bullying. She was torn whether she should feel bad for what she had said or justified. 

The internet came through and supported her slip up. Saying it was only an accident, but also, sometimes teachers need to let their emotions shine to teach their kids a real lesson. What do you think?

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