The Best Animal Memes of the Week (December 30, 2023)

Bidepdalism is so overrated. Long gone are the days when humans can crawl around on all fours all day and not have a sore back after about five minutes. I know that walking on two legs is more advantageous evolutionarily, but I don’t really care! I would love to walk in someone else’s feet for a day, and that someone else happens to be a dog. 

Despite my desire, I don’t think I’d thrive in a Shaggy-Dog-type situation where your human mind gets transported into the body of a large floofy animal. I could never spell out «I AM DAD» with Scrabble as Tim Allen so brilliantly did. I’m not confident I would be able to come back to being a human when necessary, and I’m not ready to lead the rest of my life as a Shaggy dog. If you are bipedal and love quadrupedal species, these animal memes will suit your fancy. 

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