The Best Animal Memes of the Week (July 22, 2023)

I am an animal lover, but I don’t get why so many people bring their pets everywhere. I think it’s totally cool to bring the doggos to a shaved ice hut or a casual restaurant with picnic tables outside. However, if you’re fully bringing your dog to the Apple Store, I can’t help but ponder that it might be for attention. 

Obviously, there are some exceptions to this complaint. I’m not talking about service animals or people who bring their dogs to their offices so that they don’t spend all day alone. I’m specifically talking about this one woman who brought her giant dog to the Apple Store in Williamsburg and got so much attention because of it. I understand that it’s a big store, and there’s obviously no ban on animals, but dogs don’t belong everywhere in society. Dogs do belong in lists of funny and cute animal memes, so feel free to indulge. 

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