The Best Animal Memes of the Week (September 9, 2023)

Sometimes I think about the giant yellow snake that lived in my middle school and how insane it was that nothing bad ever happened with her. There was an ‘Animal Science’ elective course offered in 7th and 8th grade, which was one of the most popular classes at the school. As far as I knew, the only thing kids really did in that class was take animals out of their cage and hold them for 45 minutes. The superstar of this animal class was a giant yellow snake that only the most advanced animal handlers could mess with. You’ve got to believe me when I tell you this snake was the most popular girl in school. People were always carrying her through the hallways and letting her slither on the floor; it was really the Wild West. If you love snakes and would’ve loved to have taken an Animal Science class in school, these animal memes might just slither into your heart. 

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