The Best Dungeons & Dragons Memes of the Week (July 14, 2023)

In a dimly lit basement, we gathered around the table, eager to embark on a new adventure. Little did we know that our dungeon master, Steve, harbored a malevolent desire. We would soon find out that Steve was about to seize every opportunity to exploit our trust and destroy every last one of our characters.Steve presented us with deceptively innocent-looking challenges, cunningly designed to lead us to our demise. Deadly traps loomed around every corner and nearly every object was a mimic. As soon as we realized what was going on, we were terrified. 

As we grew more and more invested in the plot, Steve intensified his sadistic plot to «win» the game. He manipulated our choices and obscured vital information, leading us into perilous situations from which there seemed to be no escape. Our characters fell one by one, our hopes crushed under the weight of Steve’s sinister machinations.

At first in denial of Steve’s true intentions, we struggled to grasp the extent of his cruelty. We fought valiantly, but each victory only led to a more treacherous encounter. Our resources dwindled, our spirits weakened, yet we refused to give up. In a final, climactic battle, Steve revealed his true nature. The very game board transformed into a nightmarish realm, filled with monstrous creatures and unforgiving terrain. Desperation fueled the last of us as we fought against overwhelming odds, but Steve’s grip on our fates seemed unbreakable.

In the end, we all died. Yes, our dungeon master achieved a total party kill…on purpose. He laughed maniacally in that basement until his mom woke up and kicked us all out of the house. To this day, I still haven’t returned Steve’s text messages. 

Let that be a lesson to all of you—not all DMs have your best interest at heart. And now what you’ve all been waiting for—this week’s best Dungeons & Dragons memes!

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