The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (June 14, 2023)

What’s up, gamers? We’re experiencing quite a decade, aren’t we? If we’re not hibernating in our little pods to avoid the global plague, we’re waiting in line for our morning coffee while casually choking on toxic smoke. What a time to be alive. Maybe gamers have the right idea—instead of spending every moment of their waking lives filled with an undying sense of dread, they distract themselves with virtual worlds where they get to be the heroes and save the world from total collapse. Sure, it’s probably one of the worst forms of escapism, but what are we supposed to do? We gotta keep going on living our lives, right? Right?? So stop doom-scrolling news sites and pick up that controller because it’s time to dig yourself further into that deep, comfy hole of denial. We’ve got just the batch of funny and relatable gaming memes to help keep your mind off the misery of human existence. You’re welcome. 

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