The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (December 21, 2023)

While there is rarely a bad time to inject some wholesomeness into our lives, there are few points in the year better suited to this than the Christmas period. It’s a couple of weeks where doing good to others and yourself is even more important than usual. 

Traditionally, we might encourage this by donating to charity or making memories with friends and family. These are still worthy things to do, but in the internet age, we can also supplement them with a helping hand of wholesome memes. They’re great to send to loved ones as well as cheer ourselves up. 

In the spirit of the season of giving, we give to you these wholesomely inclined pictures for you to give to someone else. You could also just keep them all to yourself, it’s not like we’re going to notice. The main thing is that you finish your scroll with a smile on your face.

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