The Best Parenting Memes of the Week for Funny Moms and Dads (May 27, 2023)

There is a saying that states laughter is the best medicine. Probably not for serious ailments, though it wouldn’t hurt, but laughter can definitely help make you feel better after a crap day. Existing is hard. You know what makes existing even hard yet also more worth it? Becoming a parent! If you’ve got little ones of your own, you understand. They make everything so much more difficult than it should be, and yet, you love them with all of your heart and would literally dive in front of traffic for them. So what can you do to soothe yourself during those moments when your living copies are making life a little harder for you? Laughter, of course! And what easier way is there to a get quick LOL in than to scroll through some relatable memes? You ain’t the only mama locking themselves in the bathroom with snacks to get a moment’s peace and memes will absolutely let you know that! You aren’t alone out there in your woes, mom and dad. And guess what? We applaud you! Your kids will too one day, until then, scroll on for some much deserved LOLs! 

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