The Best Random Memes to Cringe Your Way Through Any Situation (February 10, 2024)

Feeling a little awkward but still trying to socialize? Well, if you don’t know what to say, might we suggest sharing a cringey memes? Nothing like a cringey memes to really get them scratching the top of their heads. They’ll be all like, «uuuhhh… Why are you showing me this? That’s really weird…» But what their heart will be saying to their brain is, «Who is this mysterious and unique individual who is so hilarious and yet also perplexing at the same time? I just have to get to know them better!» Well… probably. That’s what we would probably be thinking. I mean, we are memebase, so like, memes are life, bro. We could go off about memes all day every day and WE DO. You’re welcome, by the way. Anyway, never let them know your next move. We’ll get you started with the memes below that will help you cringe your way through any situation! 

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