The Cringiest Parenting Posts of the Week (August 14, 2023)

One of the newest weird trends in parenting right now is «living off the grid.» I’m not talking about people choosing to live and raise their family in a rural, remote area. I’m talking about parents making the conscious decision of not letting the government know that their child even exists. They don’t get a birth certificate, a social security card, or anything. 

The silliest part about this plan is that there’s no way you can enact it permanently. When that kid’s 16 and they want to get a job, they won’t be able to do it because they don’t exist. It’s going to be a whole to-do to verify your existence as a human being later in life, and these parents don’t care about that. Not to mention how dangerous it is not to have any documents! If you are as baffled by this trend as I am, these cringey parenting posts will be equally as troubling. 

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