The Cringiest Parenting Texts & Posts of the Week (September 12, 2023)

The internet is cool and all, but man, I am so grateful that Facebook didn’t exist while I was coming of age. If it had, my mom definitely would have been an active participant in one of those mommy Facebook groups. When my mom joined the local parent-teacher association when I was in elementary school, I probably saw her around school more often than some of my teachers. I know she was just trying to be an actively present parent, but sometimes it was pretty mortifying. But again, I feel lucky I never had one of those parents who constantly posts embarrassing photos of their kid on social media, or worse, sends insane text messages at all hours of the day for no apparent reason. Thankfully, there are subreddits like r/insaneparents and r/Sh*tMomGroupsSay that can teach us all exactly what not to do when it comes to parenting.

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