The Fellowship of the Meme: 31 Memes From the Lighter Side of Middle Earth

Ever wonder how ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ might have turned out if Tom Bombadil showed up on the silver screen? Would we be left singing silly songs about Goldberry or would the movie’s pacing have felt like it was stuck in the Old Forest? We’ve compiled 31 epic Lord of the Rings memes that might just give you an answer, while eliciting a chuckle or two.

We’re setting sail from the Grey Havens, not for the Undying Lands, but for the land of Tolkien-themed memes. Remember, not all those who wander are lost – some are just looking for the perfect meme to share with their friends. Whether you’re more of a tree-hugging Legolas or a second breakfast-devouring hobbit, these memes are sure to tickle your elven senses.

From the shire-tastic Hobbiton to the lofty peaks of Mordor, we have it all. Just remember, one does not simply skip a meme while traversing this listicle. Sit back, grab your lembas bread and a pint of your favorite ale from the Green Dragon Inn, and dive into the whimsical world of Lord of the Rings memes!

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