The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 5, 2023)

I’ve been introducing these parenting tweets for a while now, and I’ve reached an impasse this week. I have reached a point where I’ve said everything I could possibly say about parenting. As a childless person, I feel like a bit of a fraud trying to talk about what parenting is like. I’ve picked up through cultural cues that parenting is a challenging and often fulfilling endeavor that exhausts you for the rest of your life. I know for a fact that nobody knows what parenting is actually like until they have kids and that unsolicited advice from non-parents is grating at best and offensive at worst. While everyone has had a parent and has their own idea of the «ideal» parent, nobody knows how difficult putting parenting philosophy into action is until they do it. That’s why we leave the parenting tweets to the experts: the moms and dads who know the struggle all too well.

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