‘The kind of positive cringe that leads to the most successful relationships’: Dorky couple splits opinion with HR style annual review

If there is one piece of romantic advice that you will hear from everyone and their mother, it’s that relationships take work. Finding your perfect partner is only the first part of the puzzle. If you want to keep them around for the rest of your life, you both have to be willing to reflect and adapt. The difficult part is figuring out how to do that; it’s easy to say that you will be your best self for the right person, but practicing that takes a little more thought. 

Not everybody would take well to the businesslike approach of one viral couple who have been making waves with their yearly ritual. They shared with the internet how the end of the year was the time for their «annual partner summit» where they analyzed all the things about their relationship they had enjoyed or wanted to improve during that period.

Some Twitter users were quick to denounce this targeted approach, but others argued that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. There is probably a less cringey way to do it, though. 




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