‘This kid’s therapy bills are going to be through the roof’: Mom has breakdown in front of toddler, claims she’s gentle parenting

Any parent who claims that their kids haven’t pushed them to their limit is probably lying. If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that children are hard work — especially when they’re younger and more dependent on you. Nobody is perfect at childrearing 100% of the time, but there are certain things that they can do their best to avoid. Like making their kid the sounding board for all their negative emotions, for instance.

Unfortunately, this is exactly what one mom and parenting influencer got into hot water for recently. Delivering an overwrought monologue to her toddler after he wouldn’t stop hitting her, she then claimed to be «teaching [her] son emotional self-regulation and emotional stability». It’s fair to say that many viewers didn’t agree, and had their own opinions on the matter. If nothing else, how much of this is a two-year-old going to be able to understand? 

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