Tiny Crab Enjoys Bubble Fueled Water Ride In Gleeful Fashion Bringing Wholesome Goodness To Internet Viewers

Hey pals. We had to take a seat this morning and get comfortable in order to watch the adorable video we are featuring today. The star of the video? A cute little crab who loves his bubbles and loves nothing more than enjoying the feeling of the air bubbles propelling him on a wild water ride to the top of the tank. The little cutie enjoys this sensation so much that as soon as he sinks back down to the bottom, it’s up up up he goes again. The adorable loop captured the hearts of viewers from all over the interwebs, including the hearts of the Animal Comedy editorial team. 

Now, this little crabby deserves a big bouquet of flowers. Oh, to be a crab enjoying bubbles. The man is having the time of his life without a single care in the world. Somebody give this little guy a big round of applause. 

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