‘Why is everyone dressed like Urban Outfitters circa 2008?’: 20+ Early 2000s Music Memes to Please Your Inner Indie Sleaze

Calling all indie sleaze millennials who grew up on bands like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, Peaches, and so many other awesome early 2000s bands—oooh baby, is it our time to shine! The American Apparel, tumblr era, manic pixie dream girl, is coming back with this indie sleaze revival and we are here for it. Paramore is still thriving, Gen Z pop stars like Billie Eilish and Olivia Rodrigo dress like they came right out of the show Skins, and and ballet flats are back. Omg what is next? I’m so excited! It’s like we get a second chance at indie sleaze, but with less of the body image issues. I’m ready for a Daft Punk, LCD Soundsystem, and Justice tour, hbu?? That probably won’t happen anytime soon, so these memes will have to do. Getting nostalgic over Myspace photos-aesthetic and boxed hair dye is way more fun that getting nostalgic over Blockbuster, don’t you think?

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