Woman Makes Fun of Couple For Looking Nerdy, Twitter Users Come to Their Defense

Every day in NYC, I am afraid that someone with 17K Twitter followers will take a picture of me on the subway, say I look lame, and get 100K likes. This is not an unfounded fear in the slightest because it literally happens all the time. Adult bullies who need to put others down to feel superior will record strangers minding their own business in public and ridicule them so that they can get a couple of measly likes on an app run by a tyrant. What a world we’re living in on the place formerly known as the bird app. 

Luckily, most normal people on Twitter no longer respond well to this type of content. Twitter users recognize it for the baity and needlessly cruel ritual that it is, and they will rip the poster to shreds. This exact scenario played out this week, and it’s so satisfying to watch. 

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