‘Work your last shift, then block [your boss’] number’; Serial people-pleaser employee finally quits and puts in her 2-week notice, Karen manager ignores it (+ Update)

Remember in high school when you would break up with your week-long relationship and sometimes the person would just straight up pretend they didn’t get the breakup not that you gave their friend to give to them? Well, now imagine that with your adult boss, but you passed that note yourself directly into their hand. And that note was your 2-weeks notice. What kind of immature BS is it when that manager’s response is, «no.» And then they just keep scheduling because they know they can take advantage of your politeness? LOL Wow. What a world. These workplace stories just keep getting more and more audacious.

One woman has been working at a fast-food restaurant for years now. She has become friends with her colleagues and even her manager. However, as of late, the have been painfully understaffed. This woman become extremely overworked and it was affecting her mental health. So the only path to take at this point is to quit and find a new job, one that doesn’t deteriorate your mental health. The thing about this woman, is that she is a serial people-pleaser and has trouble saying no to people. So when her manager literally told her she was going to ignore her resignation, she panicked. What does she do? She already has another job lined up after her 2-weeks, but what if she still gets scheduled. Her boyfriend took to Reddit to seek advice and the generally consensus is that a 2-week notice is a courtesy, she should just leave that job ASAP and her entitled manipulated Karen boss. 

See the entire story for yourself below! 

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