WTF Anecdotes That Range From Serendipitous to Scary

Most people have at least one story they can tell that will freak people the f* out. Sometimes they’re wholesome moments of coincidence – like those people who realize they were photographed years ago at the beach at the same time and in the same place as their significant other. Sometimes the tales are terrifying. That’s how a former coworker was able to convince me that ghosts are real. My party trick of a tale involves meeting and chatting with Keanu Reeves the first time I got stoned.

These days, with life being as boring as it is (it’s the worst summer ever, right?), we’ve been aching for some of these weird stories to keep us entertained. This twitter thread, from user @hikikomorphism definitely scratches that itch. It’s also a healthy reminder that exciting things do happen regular people like us. 

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