‘You took my dog’: Two years after taking a stray dog in, dog owner faces a woman who claims to be the original owner

How long does it take for an adopted pet to start feeling like a family member? Is there always this big moment in which you look at this little creature you took in and think to yourself – «Yep, this is their forever home»?

I remember the first night after I rescued my cat. She was really nervous and would not stop pacing around the apartment, exploring and looking for places to hide. I still had many doubts then about whether or not I made the right choice. But on the third night with me, she went into my bedroom and cuddled with me throughout the entire night. That was the first time it felt like she was at home.

Now imagine rescuing a pet from the street and taking care of it for two whole years. That little pet definitely becomes a family member in that time. Then you meet someone who claims your pet as their long-lost pet from two years back. What would you do in that situation? When this woman turned to Reddit with the exact story about her dog, she refused to give it away to the person claiming to be the original owner.

Scroll down for the full story and the comments about the entire situation. When you are done, scroll back up and click here for a collection of relatable memes for an accurate description of 2024 so far.

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