20+ Graduation Memes for the Class of 2024 Throwing Their Caps in the Air

Happy Graduation season, everybody! If you’re a 2024 undergraduate college graduate, this very well might be your first and only graduation, so I can imagine you’re extremely excited about the whole thing. If you’re a 2024 high school graduate, you might have missed your 8th-grade trip to Washington, D.C., which is a little less devastating but a bummer nonetheless. Wherever you were four years ago this time, you probably weren’t able to celebrate the way you wanted, and now is finally your opportunity to do so! You deserve to go to at least four graduation parties a week for the next month and sustain fully off of the food they provide, which is what I did during graduation season in high school. You deserve to cry at a restaurant because you’re nervous about being unemployed, which is what I did immediately after graduating college. However you celebrate, I hope these graduation memes are part of the party. 

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