20+ Retro Toy Memes That Will Have You Laughing with Your Inner Child

Psychologist, therapist, and whatever other doctors are always blaming the parents and bla bla bla for people’s adult anxiety. But maybe the should turn their sights to the kids toy industry. Back in the day, a key component to some of the most popular kids toys was stress and anxiety. Games like «Operation,» «Hungry Hungry Hippos,» and a game literally called «Perfection» where all very stressful games. The second the game started, the sweat started pouring. Will you hit the buzzer while taking out that poor red nosed guy’s heart? Would your hippo be able to eat the most plasticballs before everyone else’s hippo in a fit of chaos?? Would an entire game pop in your face if you don’t match up the shapes quick enough?? Lordy lord, I’m sweating just thinking about it right now. 

That being said, they were pretty fun… lol I was actually pretty good at operation. Ask me now and life really gave me a shake hand, so I’d fail. But I’d definitely still feel the stress of it all! Let’s remember these fun games with memes about them below. 

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