Anunciados Pokémon Escarlata y Pokémon Púrpura

En el Pokémon Presents que se ha celebrado hoy para conmemorar el Día de Pokémon del año 2022 se ha anunciado la que parece que será la próxima generación de juegos Pokémon. Se llamarán Pokémon Escarlata y Pokémon Púrpura, y de momento sólo hemos podido ver un pequeño teaser. El vídeo muestra a una especie …
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Super Smash Bros. no estará presente en el EVO 2022

La organización del EVO ha anunciado que Super Smash Bros. Ultimate no estará presente en la lista de juegos que contará con competición en el torneo de este año, por decisión de la propia Nintendo. Según explican en un comunicado publicado en Twitter, «queremos que sepáis por adelantado que Super Smash Bros. no estará de …
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Hablamos con Gabe Newell sobre la Steam Deck y las ideas de Valve para su futuro

«Es algo que, personalmente como jugador, he querido durante mucho tiempo, ¿sabes? Tan pronto como empiezas a jugar a juegos de PC piensas ‘vale, quiero algo que me ofrezca toda la fidelidad de la experiencia con un gran control y que pueda usar como portátil’. La primera vez que quise algo así fue allá por …
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Lots of Random Memes That Have Nowhere Better to Be

Can you imagine going back in time and showing a dank meme to a prehistoric man? What would he think? How would he feel? Would he shrug his shoulders and keep tending to his fire or pelts or whatever cavemen did back then, or would the humor encoded in the meme transcend deep time? Maybe …
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Couple’s Innocent Game Gets Weird When Husband Pressures Blindfolded Spouse to Sign ‘Papers’

Every couple has their mundane problems, but what does it say about your relationship when you start to suspect your partner of conspiring against you? Either some underlying trust issues have always been lurking just under the surface of your otherwise healthy relationship, or maybe you really have been living with a duplicitous psychopath all …
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Entertaining Times Oblivious People Didn’t Get The Joke

It is very, very easy to make mistakes on the internet – pretty much as easy as it is to err in real life. The difference is that the only people who can laugh when you slip on a banana peel are the folks who actually witnessed the incident (and maybe a handful of their …
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Amusing Thread Explains The Perils Of Banking As A Spendthrift

Budgeting is the most important part of managing our finances. It’s a shame, then, that so many of us fail at it spectacularly month after month. Many lives would be a lot easier if we could replicate the kinds of individuals who smugly save up thousands by avoiding takeout coffee, Ubers, and most fun in …
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Baristas Share Ridiculously Cursed & Complicated Beverage Orders

When I was a barista at a local coffee shop, I would roll my eyes at the type wealthy middle-aged woman who would order half-caf cappuccino at a very specific temperature. The order seemed so fussy and overly complicated – does halving the caffeine even make much of a difference? As I made the order …
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A Collection of Funny Randoms From the Depths of Twitter

Nothing does a better job turning Twitter into the most insufferable place in cyberspace than an international political catastrophe. If you’re wondering whether or not you should check out the bird app to see what folks are saying about what’s going on in Ukraine right now, do yourself a favor and delete your account. Better …
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Análisis de rendimiento de Elden Ring en PC

Siendo justos, hay que reconocer que la calidad de los ports para PC de From Software ha ido mejorando con el paso del tiempo. El Dark Souls original era un completo desastre, pero hasta Sekiro los usuarios de PC han acabado recibiendo la mejor versión de sus juegos. Por desgracia, esta trayectoria ascendente vuelve a …
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