25 Memes for Neat Freaks Constantly Cleaning their Kitchen

There are two types of people in the world: the neat freaks and everyone else. And you know who you are if you’re a neat freak. You’re the type of person whose self-care day involves washing your comforter and scrubbing the baseboards. Because you can’t relax unless everything is in order. How can you be expected to unwind when there is a dirty fork in the sink? How can you fall asleep knowing there’s an unfolded pile of laundry in your hamper? How can you eat if the fridge is full of rotten leftovers? This is how neat freaks think. 

Is the desire to compulsively clean and organize a form of low-level anxiety? Probably. But at least it’s semi-useful. So if you’re anything like me and these questions resonate deep inside your bones, set down your sponge and rag because you’ve got some memes to look at. Clean kids get it. 

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