25+ Memes to Drizzle on the Sundae of Life

Ah, to be a cherry on top of a hot fudge sundae. To be deliciously red, perfectly round, and primed to be plucked from atop your kingdom of cream. The cherry is a beautiful gesture, really. An indulgent and completely unnecessary thing on top of another indulgent and completely unnecessary thing. But the sundae would look incomplete without it, mounds of ice cream cascading into nothingness with no true focal point. Sure, we love to rollick in its rolling hills, but we need the silent sentinel of the cherry to remind us that there’s life there. And yes, what a good life it is. 

Memes are the cherries on top of the sundae that is the internet. Ready to be consumed in one bite, and then promptly forgotten about after. These memes do just that. Bon Appetit. 

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