25+ Seinfeld Memes for Employees of Vandelay Industries

For a show about nothing, Seinfeld sure does give us a lot of content. It’s one of those pieces of media that’s become a fixture of the mainstream in a way that our culture will never shake off. It’s part of our everyday vocabulary, for Pete’s sake! Every time we double dip a chip, order soup, or think about marine biology as a profession, we’re paying homage to Seinfeld, whether we know it or not. 

One of my favorite things about the show is the character’s lack of willingness to grow as people. Too often, shows are too concerned with their characters being good people, or at least trying to be good people. At the end of Seinfeld, they are the same self-centered, neurotic freaks that they entered as. And to me, that’s pure comfort. So sit back, fellow Costanza-head, have some chicken salad on rye (un-toasted) and have a scroll through these Seinfeld memes. MEMES, Jerry!

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