27 Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (July 4, 2024)

While the Fourth of July might be a bucket of fun for us humans, it’s probably more like a waking nightmare for our furry friends. Dogs hate fireworks. And who can blame them? They’re loud, unexplainable, and only really happen once a year. Dogs are also colorblind, so they don’t even get to enjoy the array of colors they display in the sky. No, for them, it sounds like the apocalypse, and they want to save us from it, but they’re scared. 

But hopefully that fear is balanced by some extra table scraps from the family barbecue and perhaps the chance to swim in the neighbor’s pool (whether they were invited to or not). My dog randomly loved watermelon- you could give him a whole chunk and he’d go to town on it. Maybe try that with your pup this year as a reward for the horrors they have to experience. Or just show them these memes. 

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