29 Memes To Let You Perfectly Waste Your Time

«Wasting time» is a construct made up by Big Time to keep you Busy. I love to waste time, dilly-dally, fritter away, lollygag, and stare at the wall. Because to me, doing nothing is just as important as doing something. As a culture, we’re obsessed with doing things. We’re always busy, booked, and looking for things to fill the calendar. 

Don’t get me wrong, that’s all well and good sometimes. But I think we need to equally prioritize nothing time. Time when you can just exist, decompress, and not have any expectations of yourself. You can spend this time however you want to, but you mustn’t yearn for more while you’re doing it. You have to just sit with yourself in that moment and be okay with it. The perfect place to start is by looking at these memes, plucked specially for this purpose. Now sit back, relax, and proudly waste your time. 

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