30+ Memes That Won’t Rain on Your Parade

One of the most iconic moments in one of the most iconic shows of all time is of course when Rachel Berry sings «Don’t Rain on My Parade» from the musical Funny Girl during the New Direction’s regionals performance. If that sounds like gibberish to you, then you probably weren’t a theater kid, or you weren’t in proximity to a theater kid in 2010. Good for you. 

But if you do remember it, you know how it galvanized everyone who watched it. The way she bursts through the back door of the theater, her sheer ferocity and ambition, those effortless notes… it was the performance of a lifetime. But behind that song is a beautiful message, one of persistence, optimism, and force of will. Much like these memes, that charge into your lives, take no prisoners, and refuse to leave without making an impact. Lofty ambitions for memes? Sure. But that’s never stopped us before. 

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