30+ Memes to Bring to a Desert Island

What items would you want if you were stranded on a desert island? I have no clue. Unless I’m mistaken, people ask this question to gauge what others want to do in their final moments on Earth if they are alone and without hope or the comfort of others. I feel like giving a survivalist answer to this question is such a cop-out. If you were actually on a desert island, you would probably want a knife, a lighter, and a communication device, but those answers are boring. I want fantasy! I want to know what music you will listen to when you take your dying breath! 

Memes are perfect companions on a desert island. First of all, they’re easy to read. Anyone who says they want to bring Shakespeare’s complete works to a survival situation is a fool. Memes are a perfect distraction from the horrors of loneliness and deprivation! If you ever find yourself completely cut off from society, these memes might be of service to you. 

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