30+ Self Care Memes for When You Need a Hard Reset

Sometimes life runs you down and you wish you could just start fresh. This is what a self-care day is for. Maybe you’ve had a tough week, a tough month, a tough life, and you just need to hit the reset button on everything. A self-care day (or night, or a couple of hours) can provide just that. Everyone has different ways of achieving this. Some folks go the classic route and take a bubble bath, do a face mask, read a book in bed, and go to sleep early. This might be what first comes into our minds when we hear the phrase. 

But I’m here to say that self care can also mean watching a 3-hour YouTube video essay about Twilight and eating a family-sized bag of Doritos. Self-care can be messy and debaucherous… it works just as well. But whether you’re a bed-rotter or an early-morning yogi, these self-care memes have your back. 

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