45+ of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (January 12, 2024)

It’s January, fellow wizards, and a new year means a new chance to sit around the table and role-play with your friends. The air is chilly so we’re best left inside to our own devices, casting spells and flirting with NPCs

Besides being an incredibly enduring and fascinating game in real life, Dungeons and Dragons has provided excellent fodder for some of our favorite pieces of media. Take Community for example, whose DnD-centered episodes milked the game to an incredibly funny but also dramatic effect. The game is the perfect forum for exercising interpersonal drama, after all. You can pretend you’re somebody else while secretly working out all your problems with them. You can channel your friend angst into a healthy outlet. Unless you let the game seep into real life after you’re done playing, which is a big mistake. But these DnD memes can be a good outlet, too. I’d like to think Abed would appreciate them. 

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