A Commanding Missive of Different Memes

The majority of meme enthusiasts typically do not enjoy it when memes pose challenges to them. Memes are usually considered to be one of the more basic forms of entertainment and they are mostly sought after for the simple pleasure of amusement, perhaps with a little relatability on the side. The preference is to avoid too much contemplation about what lies beyond our narrow worldview.

While achieving this uncomplicated objective isn’t always feasible for memes, many attempt it nonetheless. Recognizing that not every meme caters to every consumer is crucial, and that’s perfectly acceptable. When embarking on our daily scroll through the detritus of the internet, our modest hope is that a couple of them will resonate with us. That still means that they provide the distraction we desire. Even if a meme challenges us, the beauty is that we can choose not to delve too deeply into it if we prefer not to.

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