A Field of Memes to Frolick Upon

We’re in peak frolicking season. What I would give to run in a big empty field, skipping as I go. I think the epitome of frolic culture is The Sound of Music. You know what I’m talking about. You can probably see it now: Julie Andrews in that apron dress, arms stretched out, frolicking through the Austrian countryside like it’s her dang job. That scene has always looked so appealing to me, scampering through the sunshine, not a care in the world (except for the very real fear of impending global war I guess). 

As adults, most of us get so little time and space to run free. We need to prioritize that more as a society. Let adults have recess. Make us go run around. It will help us be better people, I promise. And then when we come home, we can look at these memes and gently scroll ourselves to sleep. 

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